Books of the Month: April 2013
Interrogations at Noon by Dana Gioia: I heard about Dana Gioia through Mars Hill Network. His poetry books exude tenacious attention to word choice, rhyme, rhythm, and themes. While not overt, there exists an undercurrent of spiritual depth that draws the reader into the author's experience and toward self-reflection. I am currently reading Gioia's compilation of essays titled Can Poetry Matter? and his most recent poetry collection, Pity the Beauty. More on those in coming months. 4 stars
Animal Farm by George Orwell: This slim, unassuming novel contains a full-bodied analysis of communism in post-World War II Russia. Through the anthropomorphism of farm animals, Orwell's allegory engages the reader with its simple truths and challenges idealism with deep, often troubling, realism. This book is a must-read as our country adopts more and more socialistic ideas. 5 stars
The House at Riverton by Kate Morton: Morton's first novel captures the World War I era and the Roaring 20s through the memories of her aging main character. She weaves the story by showing only pieces at a time with a final twist at completion. I highly recommend reading this book as well as The Forgotten Garden. 4 stars
Your Child's Writing Life by Pam Allyn: Although I am an author, I needed Allyn's insight when encouraging my own children to write. She provides practical hints and writing prompts to develop a child's writing life from preschool and beyond. Although my children are well into their education, I realized it is never too late to apply advice like Allyn's. I checked this book out at our local library, but have since added it to our home library and intend to use it for future encouragement in our family's writing life. 5 stars
Experiencing God: Youth Edition by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King: At times the repetition and simplicity of this devotional seemed overdone, but at its completion I realize the importance of remembering basic precepts. The true benefit of this study was discussing it with my high schooler. I recommend it for parents looking for a study to share with their teens. 4 stars