How I Met My Goals in 2019
Goal-setting for 2020 has been my primary concentration this week. While working through my new planner from Inkwell Press, I spent time going over what I accomplished in 2019. I noticed some key elements for success as I reflected and decided to reapply these same practices for 2020.
One Word: In a previous post, I mentioned that I studied One Word throughout 2019. That word was "content." I learned to apply Philippians 4:11-12:
Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
I have a new One Word I'm studying in 2020 and will be posting more about that discovery throughout the year.
Basics: I decided that before I could work on the more advanced goals I have for myself, I needed to get some priorities straight at home. I started a new cleaning regimen and reorganized the majority of my home. I enlisted the help of my family members when possible, and I saw improvement in their organization and life skills as well. While I'm planning to continue with my cleaning schedule, I'm going to concentrate on decluttering in 2020.
Focus: I let go of lofty goals for writing and reading in 2019. I also decided I needed to add in some self-care through daily knitting. So, each day I tried to write, read, and knit.
While I didn't formally publish my writing, I maintained consistent book reviews. This writing directly related to my goal to read every day. I journalled more, which gave me more material for writing about writing and about additional aspects of my life. I did write poetry for my own projects, worked on poems for family and friends, and started a novel concept for NaNoWriMo, and drafted a series poem for poetry month in April. But, I didn't force myself to write. I simply wrote.
I haven't counted all the books I read in 2019, but my main objective was to read about four per month. I am confident I achieved that goal based on the number of book reviews I was able to schedule for my blog. I estimate I read at least fifty books with the help of two book clubs, Audibles, and my own study habits.
I completed eighteen knitting projects in 2019. Three of the projects were ones started in previous years, and I determined to finish them. But, the rest were new projects. I made a few items for myself, gifts for family and friends, seven throw pillows, and an afghan. I already have a few plans in mind for 2020.
As I worked through my 2020 planning, I discovered an area of improvement I hadn't set out to accomplish in 2019. I developed my musical skills by
Accepting the serving opportunity at our church to assist with worship planning.
Continuing to play in my local community orchestra.
Joining a community choir.
Purchasing a new viola.
Starting piano lessons.
I am excited to continue sharing my musical abilities with others in 2020.
Now that I've applied being content through focusing on the basics, I am ready to continue these good habits and expand my goals for 2020. Stay tuned for more updates!