A Year with Les Miz
After receiving 52 Little Lessons from Les Misérables for Christmas, I am embarking on a year-long journey to read a chapter each day from Les Misérables while reading 52 Little Lessons weekly. As it happens, one of the Bible studies our church's women are using is Jen Hatmaker's The Seven Experiment: Staging Your Own Mutiny Against Excess. Each "month" is four weeks of focus on a particular area of excess. Hatmaker explains that there is a two week hiatus between each theme, therefore turning the seven months into more of a ten month duration. Why not incorporate both into my personal study and blog about points of life application throughout the year? I reasoned.
Would you like to join the journey?
It's not too late to start reading Les Misérables this year! Although the book is long, the chapters are not. You can read faster or slower than a chapter a day. For now, I recommend catching up by reading Volume I, Book First, Chapters 1-5 (p.17-29 in the free Kindle version) and then read Volume I, Book First, Chapters 6-10 (p.29-47) by the end of the week. My goal is to check in weekly with my own progress on Les Misérables and include connections to 52 Little Lessons from Les Misérables, Jen Hatmaker's The Seven Experiment: Staging Your Own Mutiny Against Excess, and my own personal insights. Feel free to share your thoughts as well.