One Good Thing Every Day: February 15, 2013
(Note: Somehow I forgot to post this. Better late than never!)
While working through Experiencing God by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King with my high schooler, I highlighted several key points.
Day 1: The main focus of this chapter is the love relationship between God and us. I quoted from 1 John 4:7-19 in my February 14 post because this passage appeared in several ways during my week, including Valentine's Day.
Day 2: The theme of love continued with this chapter, but the verse I marked comes from Philippians 3:12-14:
(As I am writing this post on February 17, I share that these verses were the focus of our morning sermon!)
Further into this day, I noted that although the method of accomplishing a goal may change, the focus must never alter. I may serve God in various ways, but my purpose in serving should draw attention to His glory and not mine.
Day 3: I came to this study two days behind schedule. Within the first page, I encountered these words: "I often wonder what happens when the God who loves me comes to meet me there [for daily devotions] and I am just not there....I keep that time alone with God, not in order to have a relationship but because I have a relationship." Clearly, God made sure I grasped the personal application for this lesson!
Day 4: I love this translation of Deuteronomy 30:6 (GNT): The Lord your God will give you and your descendants obedient hearts, so that you will love him with all your heart, and you will continue to live in that land. It reminds me of the blessing of my spiritual heritage and of God's gift of those obedient hearts.
Day 5: I describe the practicality of my relationship with God in this way: In all the little things, He shows the bigger picture; in all the big things, He magnifies my miniscule faith to withstand the struggle.
After studying this week, I feel loved beyond description!