One Good Thing Every Day: January 29, 2013
"...remember honoring our parents is not just about how we treat them; it is a glimpse of how we respect God." from A Jane Austen Devotional
This week I started the Bible study Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby along with my oldest son. I am blessed that the quotation from A Jane Austen Devotional coincided with Blackaby's analysis of John 5:17, 19-20.
The fifth commandment is epitomized in Jesus Christ's relationship with God the Father. His obedience to the will of the Father models the honor God commands and deserves from me. My mind boggles when I think of Jesus, God Incarnate, coming to earth to show humanity how to follow His own command. It deepens the meaning of the quotation for me. As I think about my relationship with my own parents and my relationship with my children, I pray others glimpse my respect for God as well.