One Good Thing Every Day: July 8, 2013
I think every Monday should start with an early morning appointment. The appointment should include children, especially ones requiring being dragged from bedclothes. "Hurry-up" reminders through bathroom and bedroom doors are essential, too. Dogs, who saunter through the entire yard before peeing or who stare perplexed at the "go-potty" command, add to the departure countdown. Leaving twenty minutes late and avoiding three or more detours will ensure a police-defying race to the finish. Brief lectures at stop lights about time management--i.e. the late child missing his appointment slot--and payback--i.e. the late child paying the co-pay from his allowance--will enhance the learning experience. When bursting into the reception area and apologizing for being late, a surprised, smiling receptionist will say, "You aren't scheduled until tomorrow morning." Tension-held-breath will be released at the blissful thought of arriving at the coffee shop earlier than expected.