One Page at a Time: A Single Audience?
"If you write for yourself, you'll reach all the people you want to write for." William Zissner, as quoted in A Year of Writing Dangerously
I have been mulling over this quotation for several days. I suppose I agree with its sentiment when I think of my cathartic ramblings worth burning after I die. But, what of the pieces I--albeit mentally--wave above my head like an enthusiastic elementary scholar, shouting "Look! Look! See! See! Jane does more than run!"?
Last night, I came across another quotation. I feel this one better describes the reader I hope to reach.
"I hold out my hand to the reader and say, 'Let me show you something amazing.' The reader grabs hold and off we run down the path to worlds that don't exist until I imagined them." From Rachel Aaron's 2,000 to 10,000: How to Write Faster, Write Better, and Write More of What You Love