The Perfect Result

We get this part of the process wrong most of the time. The expectation is the solution for “it” will be perfect or flawless. “Perfect” by human standards will never match up to God’s standards. For one, we live in a sinful world. Just as critical, we put too much pressure on the word perfect. This word doesn’t mean what we think it means. The Greek word telios is defined as “having reached an end; complete.”
Think of this definition of perfect as a verb tense. When we refer to the perfect tense, we are describing the result of a completed action. For example,
I have been considering it all joy whenever I have encountered various trials, knowing that the testing of my faith produces endurance.
What looks like an end by our standards may not be what we think of as perfect. The result or work—whether “it” is a behavior, task, or deed—is done. Many aspects of the result may not be to our liking. “It” could mean death--of a person, of a relationship, of a dream. “It” could mean life—in a physical healing, in a new friendship, in a fresh idea.
The part of the result we need to accept without exception is perfect does not mean everything will be tied up with a pretty bow under a tree decorated with lights. Perfect is found at the foot of Calvary’s tree where the Light of the world suffered and died. Perfect is the opened tomb of His resurrection. Perfect is His saving grace. Perfect is the gift when a particular “it” has finally come to an end.