Treasure: My One Word for 2020
I know. I didn't get it either. At first.
Why would anyone want to treasure the year 2020?
Well, I don't think I wanted to treasure anything when my One Word for 2020 came to me. But, there it was everywhere I looked as I finished my studies focused on content, my One Word for 2019.
As is often true, it wasn't about want. It was about need. Sometimes we want what we don't need. Sometimes we need what we don't want.
I should back up a minute and explain that my One Word for the year does not become a focus starting on January 1. I usually discover it in October. At least, that's how it has worked out the past two years. So, when I determined that treasure would be my 2020 One Word, it was around October 2019.
I have written about that time in my life already. There were some definite moments of confusion, uncertainty, and continued discontent. Maybe it was because the calendar year hadn't finished out, but there was an overlap between my words content and treasure. It was as if God was preparing me for something by allowing me to go through a few "last minute" unexpected experiences before embarking on the next journey.
Or He was simply preparing me for the year 2020.
I know this has been a year to remember, and for many, it is one they wish they could forget. Maybe because treasure was at the forefront of my mind, I found myself trying not to forget. At least, when it came to certain things.
I have more to post about how the word treasure impacted my year. For now, I'll provide the teaser I received through verses I wrote on a Post-It note. I have seen this passage of scripture every day when I sit down at my desk.
Well, except for the past month.
The adhesive on the Post-It has worn down over time. It recently fluttered down from its eye-level position to the somewhat cluttered surface of my desk. I have noticed this change. I will pick it up and try to stick it back in place. I did this just now. Tomorrow I will have to do it again. But, I know I don't really need that Post-It note to remember what is on it. These words are stuck in my heart and mind. Which is exactly the point of writing verses on a Post-It note. To remember it.
Indeed, to treasure it.
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.