What's Next?: Writing and The Most Important Question in Life
What assignment or calling remains unfulfilled in your life? What are your next steps?
I find God's timing amusing. He placed a question similar to the one I had been pondering in my post earlier this week within my devotional lesson on the same day. As I said, I had been procrastinating about answering that question. Perhaps He knew I needed a little more encouragement.
That's what writers require at times: a little more encouragement to tackle difficult topics. God has give me His when I need it. But, He also provides people in my life who give me that added boost when I doubt myself.
What's next? is certainly a question I have been asking myself in regards to my writing. I especially considered it last weekend when I sent my poetry collection to my editorial team. A few ideas have come to mind about what direction to go with my poetry. I thought about developing some short stories. While I was brainstorming and pre-writing, I asked my husband what he thought. He gave support for the poetry idea, and then provided a much-needed connection-point for the short stories.
For those wondering as I have been What's next?, keep asking. Ask God. Ask a trusted person in your life. Ask yourself. Then, do the next What's next?